Denysiuk, Maria, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, (Uman, Ukraine), higher education recipient of the Doctor of Philosophy degree, specialty 011 Educational Pedagogical Sciences e-mail:,
The article raises questions that are quite relevant today for the scientific and pedagogical community, namely the problems of forming the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities. The development of these skills can help teachers achieve greater success in their work and stimulate the development of modern pedagogical science and practice. In particular, innovative technologies, the rapid development of social networks and the growing amount of information complicate the professional activity of teachers. In such conditions, team orientation and the ability to work in a team are extremely important.
In the course of the research, it was found that in order to form the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities, it is necessary to conduct special courses and trainings aimed at the development of communication, cooperation and leadership skills. It is also important that these skills are included in the curricula and programmes of higher education institutions.
On the basis of the author’s research, it was determined that the formation of the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities is an important element of pedagogical training. The development and implementation of special courses and trainings for the development of communication, cooperation and leadership skills will help future teachers to work successfully in a team and achieve positive results in their professional activities.
Keywords: team interaction, professional activity, skills, teacher, methods, practical skills, orientation, cooperation, leadership.
Денисюк, Марія, Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини, (м. Умань, Україна), здобувач вищої освіти ступеня доктора філософії спеціальності 011 Освітні педагогічні науки, e-mail:
У статті піднято досить актуальні на сьогоднішній день питання
для науково-педагогічної спільноти, а саме проблеми формування готовності
майбутніх педагогів до командної взаємодії у професійній діяльності. Розвиток цих навичок може допомогти вчителям
досягати більшого успіху в роботі та стимулювати розвиток сучасної педагогічної
науки й практики. Зркрема, інноваційні технології, швидкий розвиток соціальних
мереж та зростаюча кількість інформації ускладнюють професійну діяльність
вчителів. У таких умовах командна спрямованість та вміння працювати у команді є
надзвичайно важливими.
В ході дослідження
з’ясовано, що для формування
готовності майбутніх педагогів до командної взаємодії у професійній діяльності
потрібно проводити спеціальні курси та тренінги, які спрямовані на розвиток
навичок комунікації, співпраці та лідерства. Також важливо, щоб ці навички були
включені до навчальних планів і програм вищих навчальних закладів.
На основі авторського дослідження було визначено, що формування готовності майбутніх педагогів до командної взаємодії у
професійній діяльності є важливим елементом педагогічної підготовки. Розроблення
та впровадження спеціальних курсів та тренінгів з розвитку навичок комунікації,
співпраці та лідерства допоможе майбутнім педагогам успішно працювати в команді
та досягати позитивних результатів у своїй професійній діяльності.
Ключові слова: командна взаємодія, професійна діяльність,
навички, педагог, методи, практичні навички, спрямованість, співпраця,
Statement of the
problem. In the current conditions of transformation of the world educational
space, the topic of educational technologies aimed at optimizing the process of
professional training of future specialists and directly introducing innovative
education occupies a leading place in the pedagogical discourse of recent
years. Educational institutions are faced with the task of training highly
educated, creative individuals who are able to respond effectively and flexibly
to changes in social, economic, technological, managerial, and other
conditions, ready for constant self-improvement. Therefore, it is especially important
to develop team interaction skills in future teachers, as these skills are
increasingly growing in demand in professional activities. Team interaction
enables teachers to work together with colleagues, students, and other
professionals in order to solve common problems and achieve success in their
professional activities.
Analysis of recent researches and published papers. Problems of building of professionally different teams are considered in domestic science and abroad. The theoretical foundations of team functioning are highlighted in the works by M. Armstrong, M. Belbin, T. Bazarov, A. Kazmerchuk, N. Mazhnyk, P. Muchynsky, J. Maxwell, V. Menshova etc. Psychologists consider the problems of interpersonal interaction as the basis of team building (M. Kagan), as a component of group theory (R. Nemov, N. Fathulin). Sociologists have identified synergistic effects of team interaction (H. Ibrahimov, V. Kulikov, K. Novak, etc.).
The problems of team building were reflected in the works by V. Davydov, K. Jackson, V. Kontsev, K. Morozov, N. Olentsova, O. Ostapenko, and others. Team roles are described in the works by M. Belbin, O. Kariakin, M. Kurbatova, M. Mahura, A. Panfilova, and others. Various aspects of the team activities and behaviour of a man in the team are covered in the research works by O. Zankovskyi, T. Zinkevych-Yevstyhnieieva, R. Kroll, G. Parker, G. Peiro, S. Salyha, K. Vopel, etc.
As for the team activities of pedagogical workers, this issue was the subject of study by L. Karamushka, A. Linenko, O. Fil, and others. Meanwhile, the accumulated scientific fund leaves open the problem of developing competence in the implementation of team interaction of future university teachers in the process of master’s training [4, P. 86].
The purpose of this article is to consider the problem of forming the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities and to determine effective methods that can be used to develop these skills. The article will analyse scientific research and practical experience in the field of formation of team orientation of future teachers.
Statement of basic materials. To achieve this purpose, various research methods will be used, such as the analysis of scientific sources, the study of pedagogical experience and practical examples of the development of team skills in future teachers. Effective methods of forming a team orientation that can be used in pedagogical practice will also be considered.
An urgent task for the scientific and pedagogical community is to highlight the problem of forming the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities. The development of these skills can help teachers to achieve greater success in their work and stimulate the development of modern pedagogical science and practice. Therefore, the study of this problem is quite an important and urgent task.
Particularly noteworthy is the fact that in the modern world, the requirements for future teachers are changing quite quickly. Innovative technologies, the rapid development of social networks, and the growing amount of information complicate the professional activities of teachers. In such circumstances, team orientation and the ability to work in a team are extremely important.
It should also be noted that building team interactions of teachers is important not only for the learning process itself, but also for the successful implementation of various projects, the implementation of various tasks and tasks in the changing cycle, and improving the quality of the educational process as a whole.
In this regard, the article will consider the theoretical aspects of formation of team orientation in future teachers, as well as practical methods that can be used in the learning process to develop these skills. It can be useful to study this problem not only for teachers, but also for students of pedagogical specialties, who seek to gain practical experience in teamwork.
The review of the literature is an important stage in the pursuance of the research, since it makes possible to systematize and generalize the available scientific knowledge on the chosen topic. To write this article, a review of the literature was conducted using various sources: scientific articles, books, dissertations, methodological recommendations, and other sources available in electronic and printed form.
In the process of reviewing the literature, it was found that the problem of forming the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities had been researched for a relatively long time. This problem is quite relevant in modern pedagogical science and practice, and the research of many scientists is aimed at solving it.
During the literature review, it was found that different methods could be used to form a team orientation in future teachers. In particular, researchers suggest using projects, trainings, games, exercises, simulation exercises, cases, etc. The literature also states that the formation of a team orientation should be an interaction between the teacher and students, which contributes to the development of communication and leadership skills.
In addition, a review of the literature revealed the main theoretical approaches to the study of the problem of forming the team orientation of future teachers. One of the most common approaches is the approach to the formation of team orientation, which is based on the theory of social constructivism. According to this theory, learning is a process of interaction between students and the teacher, during which students interact with each other and with the teacher, share their thoughts and ideas, and solve problems together. This approach involves the active participation of students in the learning process, their independence, creativity, and initiative.
It was also found that the formation of a team orientation in future teachers should be a complex and systematic process that includes not only the teaching methodology, but also pedagogical technology, organizational form, effective use of teaching and evaluation tools, as well as establishing relations of partnership between the teacher and students.
The general conclusion of the literature review is that the formation of a team orientation in future teachers is an important element of their training for professional activity, since this property is important for successful work in the modern world. When forming a team orientation of future teachers, it is necessary to use a variety of methods and approaches that will ensure effective interaction between participants in the educational process and the development of the necessary skills and competencies.
To study the formation of the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities, the following methods were used in this article:
1. Questionnaire method. The questionnaire consisted of
questions about the attitude of students to teamwork and their beliefs about
its importance in professional activities. It was sent to future teachers by
mail, and the results were processed and analysed using a statistical method.
2. Pedagogical observation. Pedagogical observations were
conducted during practical classes, in which students performed team tasks.
During the observations, it was studied how students interacted with each
other, how they solved tasks, how they perceived criticism and comments from
the teacher.
3. Group discussions. Group discussions were held in
practical classes to discuss and analyse teamwork. They were recorded on video
and analysed in order to study the peculiarities of communication and
interaction of team members.
4. Testing. To study the level of readiness of future
teachers for team interaction, a special test was used, which consisted of
questions about the knowledge and skills necessary for successful teamwork. The
testing results made it possible to draw conclusions about the level of
readiness of students for team interaction.
5. Interviews.
To form the readiness of future teachers for team
interaction in professional activities, individual interviews with some
students were conducted. During the interviews, their thoughts on teamwork, the
reasons for success and failure in the team, their individual characteristics
and perceptions of team interaction were clarified.
6. Focus groups. Focus groups were made up of groups of
students who already had experience of teamwork in practice. They were invited
to specially organized meetings, during which topics on teamwork, including
professional aspects, were discussed in order to study their opinions and
experience of teamwork.
All research methods were aimed at studying the level of readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities, identifying their individual characteristics and the ability to communicate and cooperate with other people. The results of the research made it possible to draw conclusions and prepare recommendations on the formation of readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities.
The results of the research showed that most future teachers understood the importance of teamwork in professional activities, but not all of them had a sufficient level of readiness for this type of activity. Some of them had problems with cooperation and communication in the team, insufficient level of responsibility and initiative.
Students with positive teamwork experiences were also found to have a higher level of readiness for this type of activity. They understood the importance of effective communication, were able to work well in a team and had a high level of responsibility and initiative.
The results of the focus groups showed that most students believed that the formation of readiness for teamwork should be one of the main components of the professional training of future teachers. They expressed an opinion that special trainings and seminars had to be organized to develop communication skills and cooperation in a team.
Thus, the results of the research have showed that the formation of the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities is an urgent and important task. The study of the peculiarities of individual training of students and their opinion on teamwork will make it possible to perfect skills in this area and prepare future teachers.
Based on the results of the research, the following recommendations can be made to form the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities:
1. Organization of special trainings and seminars in
order to develop skills of communication and cooperation in a team. To achieve
this goal, one can use such methods as role-playing games, communication
trainings, group projects, etc.
2. Supporting positive student teamwork experiences. To
do this, one can stimulate the participation of students in group projects,
competitions, Olympiads, etc., as well as create favourable conditions for
teamwork in lectures and seminars.
3. Involvement of practising teachers in the process of
formation of readiness for team work. They can share their experience and
provide students with valuable advice on teamwork in pedagogical activities.
4. The use of innovative technologies in the process of
forming readiness for teamwork. In particular, one can use online resources,
video lessons, webinars, and other electronic means to increase students’
interest in the topic and improve the effectiveness of the learning process.
Thus, the results of the research in general indicate
that there is a need to form the readiness of future teachers for team
interaction in professional activities and provide recommendations for
achieving this goal.
Discussion of the research results makes it possible to draw several conclusions. Firstly, it was found that the use of team interaction in the process of training of future teachers for professional activity contributes to the formation of their readiness to cooperate with colleagues, interact with students, handle difficulties, and overcome conflicts.
Secondly, the research indicates the effectiveness of the use of interactive teaching methods, such as role-playing games, discussions, and trainings, which contribute to the formation of skills of communication, cooperation, and problem-solving.
Thirdly, it was established that the interaction of future teachers in the team contributes to the formation of their readiness not only for communicative interaction, but also for effective cooperation in the group, the development of leadership skills, mutual assistance, and joint achievement of goals.
Thus, it can be argued that the use of team interaction in the process of training future teachers is an effective means of forming their readiness for professional activity and contributes to the development of key competencies.
Conclusions. In this article, we investigated the formation of readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities. Methods of research were survey and analysis of pedagogical literature.
The results of the research showed that most future teachers understood the importance of teamwork in professional activities and were ready for it. However, they did not have a sufficient level of practical skills in this area, and also did not always have the necessary skills of cooperation and communication.
Discussion of the results showed that in order to form the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities, it is necessary to conduct special courses and trainings aimed at the development of communication, cooperation, and leadership skills. It is also important that these skills are included in the curricula and programmes of higher education institutions.
The conclusion is that the formation of the readiness of future teachers for team interaction in professional activities is an important element of pedagogical training. The development and implementation of special courses and trainings for the development of communication, cooperation, and leadership skills will help future teachers to work successfully in a team and achieve positive results in their professional activities.
Directions for
future research. The relevant directions of further research in the
outlined problem are an experimental verification of the pedagogical conditions
for the formation of the readiness of future teachers professionally taught
team interaction for innovative activities in their professional activities.
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