УДК 378:76/89;345
Rodikov, Volodymyr, Colonel, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Chief of the 143rd Joint Training Center "PODILLYA" of the Support Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, ORCID:;
The article analyses the professional training process for future
engineering troops specialists from the perspective of systematicity as a
critical methodological guideline. It emphasises that the pedagogical system
for training future engineering troops specialists for professional activities
is a system whose functioning relies on a set of methodological approaches and
principles, interconnected forms, methods, technologies, and teaching tools,
which enable the achievement of the goal – the formation of readiness for
professional activities in future engineering troops specialists. It has been
established that the professional training of future military engineers should
rely on innovative pedagogical technologies and modern educational solutions.
In particular, the technological capabilities of some modern training tools in
military education, which allow the modelling of professional actions of cadets
during practical classes, are analysed. The advantages of using automated
educational systems and complex training tools, which allow the intensification
of the educational (training) process, are identified. A systematic
characteristic of the training of military engineers is the integration of
information technologies into the training process of military educational
institutions in Ukraine, driven by the total informatisation of all spheres of
life. Overall, the informatisation process in the educational institutions of
the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine is implemented based on a system of
resources, methods, processes, and software and technical tools for collecting,
processing, storing, disseminating, and using information for the benefit of
its consumers. It is summarised that the author's pedagogical system for
training future engineering troops specialists for professional activities
should methodologically rely on the use of innovative information technologies,
the application of the latest technologies in the organisation and methodology
of training engineering cadets, the possibilities of artificial intelligence,
under the conditions of which cadets acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities
and make operational decisions in a simulated combat environment.
Keywords: military education, cadets,
system, pedagogical system, future engineering troops specialists, military
personnel, innovative pedagogical technologies.
У статті проаналізовано процес професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців
інженерних військ до професійної діяльності з точки зору системності як
ключового методологічного орієнтиру. Підкреслено, що педагогічна
система підготовки майбутніх фахівців інженерних військ до професійної
діяльності є системою, функціонування якої опирається на сукупність
методологічних підходів та принципів, взаємопов’язаних форм, методів,
технологій та засобів навчання, що дає змогу досягти мети – формування у
майбутніх фахівців інженерних військ готовності до професійної діяльності.
Установлено, що, професійна підготовка майбутніх військових інженерів повинна
опиратись на інноваційні педагогічні технології та сучасні освітні рішення.
Зокрема, проаналізовано технологічні можливості деяких сучасних засобів навчання в
військовій освіті, що дають змогу моделювати професійній дії курсантів під час
практичних занять. Виявлено переваги використання автоматизованих
освітніх систем та комплексів навчально-тренувальних засобів, що дають змогу
інтенсифікувати освітній (навчально-тренувальний) процес. Системною
характеристикою підготовки військових інженерів є інтегрування в
навчально-тренувальний процес військових навчальних закладів України
інформаційних технологій, що продиктовано тотальною інформатизацією усіх сфер
життя. Загалом процес інформатизації в закладах освіти Міністерства
оборони України реалізується на основі системи ресурсів, методів, процесів та
программно-технічних засобів для збору, обробки, зберігання, поширення та
використання інформації на користь її споживачів. Підсумовано, що авторська
педагогічна система підготовки майбутніх
фахівців інженерних військ до професійної діяльності в методичному аспекті
повинна опиратись на використання інноваційних інформаційних технологій,
застосування новітніх технологій в організації та методиці навчання курсантів
інженерної підготовки; можливості штучного інтелекту, в умовах використання
засобів якого курсанти набувають знання, вміння та навички та оперативно
приймають рішення у модельованій бойовій обстановці.
Ключові слова: військова
освіта, курснати, система, педагогічна система, майбутні фахівці інженерних
військ, військовослужбовці, інноваційні педагогічні технології.
In modern wartime conditions, the military industry is actively developing engineering weaponry with artificial intelligence to combat Russian occupiers. Robotic complexes and particular mines are widely used. Due to the high technical equipment of the troops with modern Western weapons supplied to the forces, the scope of engineering support tasks for the troops is steadily increasing and becoming more complex. Hence, new demands are placed on the military personnel performing these tasks, corresponding to the trends of modern society.
Modernising weapons and military equipment imposes high demands on the professionalism of engineering troops specialists. Their combat spirit and moral-business qualities should contribute to the high efficiency of performing combat tasks within professional activities. At the same time, the execution of these tasks usually occurs under extreme conditions, involving risk to life, limited time, and a high level of responsibility, which undoubtedly requires psychological resilience and high military-professional training. The quality preparation of future engineering troops specialists is one of the main tasks of military education in wartime conditions.
The peculiarities of the military-professional activities of engineering troops specialists lie in the tasks faced by the units. Engineering troops are intended to provide comprehensive engineering support for combined operational formations. In combat conditions, engineering units enhance the concentration of combat power and increase the ability of forces to exploit the enemy's weakest and most vulnerable sides. They equip natural obstacles and barriers in the area of operations and as part of combat forces to complicate the enemy's ability to increase the pace of advance.
A pronounced combat nature characterises the military-professional activities of engineering troops specialists. Therefore, the tasks are always performed under increased mental, physical, moral, and psychological stress, requiring minimisation of professional errors, which affects not only the combat capability of units but often the territorial integrity and independence of our country.
In the current martial law conditions, there is an increasing need for systematically integrating innovative forms, tools, and methods of training military specialists, including engineering troops, into pedagogical theory and their implementation in practice, considering the specifics of service-combat tasks performed by units. The saturation and complexity of future professional activities of engineering troops specialists dictate the need for systematic, consistent renewal of the training process in military educational institutions.
In the context of the full-scale Russo-Ukrainian war, the quality of military training for conscripts and service members as a balanced response to the needs of the state, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), higher military schools, and reserve officers by professions and military accounting specialities is a relevant problem and requires constant comparison of intermediate results with initial positions, applied methodology, clarification and correction of goals and development methodology [1; 2, etc.]. Also, in wartime conditions, new trends in the development of means and methods of armed struggle, primarily based on modern technologies and equipment, are emerging. This necessitates the development of such a system of training military specialists that not only keeps pace with the life of the troops but also ensures their proper professional mobility, considering the perspective.
The pedagogical system of training future engineering troops specialists for professional activities in wartime conditions is a system whose functioning relies on a set of methodological approaches and principles, interconnected forms, methods, technologies, and teaching tools, which enable the achievement of the goal – the formation of readiness for professional activities in future engineering troops specialists. The critical methodological postulate within the research framework is the systematic approach. This focused on ensuring the systematic training of cadets and was based on the ideas of systems theory.
The systemic approach in studying pedagogical phenomena and processes ensures high efficiency, as these phenomena are complex, multi-component systems with numerous external and internal connections. The features of the systemic approach in training future military specialists allow for the establishment of all the system-forming elements of professional military training, the development of an algorithm for theoretical research of this process, and practical actions for its improvement. Thus, the systemic approach allows the preparation of future engineering troops specialists for professional activities to be organically connected with the professional training of military specialists, the overall military education system, the defence system of Ukraine, and the military engineering system. The connection of preparing future engineering troops specialists for professional activities with these systems is based on a set of educational and professional standards reflecting the state's, society's, and Ministry of Defence's vision of the holistic personality of future engineering troops specialists, who possess a specific range of competencies for performing work functions in service-combat activities. The Concept of Transformation of Military Education in Ukraine also dictates this systemic approach until 2032.
The professional education of future military engineering specialists has a pronounced applied character, determined by the range of priority service-combat tasks and the specifics of professional activity. Therefore, it is possible to consider military-professional training in further analysis. Generally, training is an applied aspect of education related to a specific type of regular activity; it is characterised by future specialists' assimilation of social experience for their further actualisation in performing practical tasks. At the same time, training ensures the specialists' readiness to solve tasks according to their functional purpose and attitude towards corresponding actions.
According to modern state and departmental requirements, the system of military personnel training should be oriented towards providing conditions for the self-realisation of the individual [7, p. 80], the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in strict accordance with the modern level of military science, the production of military equipment and weapons; for the tasks of forming and developing a legal state and strengthening its defence and security. Military-professional training is the process of forming professional competencies, military-professional culture, readiness to perform professional functions and assigned tasks. At the same time, military-professional training aims to ensure that cadets are prepared to solve specific defence and state security tasks; an appropriate level of general, including cultural training; the formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot; the improvement of the personnel potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations where military service is provided.
Therefore, the professional training of future military engineers should rely on innovative pedagogical technologies and modern educational solutions. The technological capabilities of modern training tools in military education allow cadets to simulate professional actions during practical classes [6, p. 39]. Within the research tasks, this involves the use of automated educational systems (AES) and training aids (TA), which intensify the educational (training) process [5, p. 40].
The primary purpose of automated educational systems is to form knowledge and control the quality of its assimilation by cadets. The primary purpose of training aids is to form skills necessary for military specialists to operate complex real-time technical systems, which can only be acquired during training. Training military specialists using AES and TA includes conducting educational sessions using computer technology designed to automate the training process of military specialists. The use of TA in military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine allows for solving the following tasks:
1) theoretical training of military specialists through educational sessions
using educational systems (lectures, group sessions);
2) conducting knowledge
assessments of cadets with ongoing performance control (testing systems using
control tests);
3) practical training of military
specialists through training sessions on training aids to acquire the necessary
practical skills (practical sessions, command-staff exercises, military-special
4) control assessments to
determine the quality of acquired practical skills (control sessions).
The construction of unified training aids
involves having three main components in the TA:
- computing means for building
- TA software;
- educational and methodological
complex to ensure the conduct of sessions on training aids.
As computing means and software are functionally inseparable, two main components of training aids should be distinguished: the training complex, which includes technical and software means and even general equipment elements, and the educational-methodological complex, which includes methodological developments, electronic textbooks, posters, films, etc.
In the most general sense, TA includes five program complexes: the program complex for ensuring TA functionality, the program complex for theoretical training, the training mode program complex, the training and control mode program complex, and the general system software program complex. Given the goals of TA, the following modes of training complex operation are distinguished:
a) Theoretical training modes:
- working with electronic textbooks
(technical, tactical, and special training);
- testing mode (technical,
tactical training);
b) Practical training modes:
- studying mode (special training);
- training mode (special
- control mode (special
These work modes are chosen by the instructor depending on the type of session [11, p. 65].
A subsequent
systemic characteristic of the training of military engineers is the
integration of information technologies into the training process of military
educational institutions in Ukraine [3], driven by the total informatisation of
all spheres of life. Overall, informatisation in the educational institutions
of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine is implemented based on a system of
resources, methods, processes, and software-technical tools for collecting,
processing, storing, distributing, and using information for the benefit of its
consumers. In the training of military specialists, the main directions of
informatisation are ensuring accessibility for any participant in educational
relations to necessary information sources [4, p. 267]; the implementation of
information technologies in educational, scientific, and other spheres of
activity of military educational institutions; achieving a high level of
information support for educational (training) activities [4].
Analysis of the development directions of informatisation and the use of information technologies in the training of military specialists, including engineering specialities, over the past two to three decades indicates a clear trend from data processing technologies to information work tools and further to information systems, which are a combination of information in databases, as well as information technologies and technical means that ensure its processing [8].
According to their purpose and content, information systems are tools for intensifying educational, scientific, and other activities in military educational institutions. By combining the information and technological base, electronic resources, and technical means, they aim to achieve high-quality and practical training for future engineering troops specialists.
The intensive development of information systems characterises the modern stage of informatisation in training future engineering troops specialists to ensure cadets' access to necessary information sources. By combining the information and technological base, electronic resources, and technical means into a single electronic information and educational environment, the main task of informatisation is solved - the intensification of all types of activities of military educational institutions. With the development of information and communication technologies, the traditional educational environment is supplemented by modern interactions, which form the basis of a new educational organisation in military educational institutions - e-learning. Information and communication technologies significantly change the methods and forms of the educational (training) process, allowing instructors to teach future military specialists, including engineers, what is needed in war [10, p. 108]. Modern information systems should be organically integrated into the traditional military education system [9, p. 142] to fulfil the main task - high-quality and practical training of future engineering troops specialists capable of acting professionally in combat conditions.
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