вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г.

Rogozin, Volodymyr (2023). PROSPECTS FOR VEHICLES SIMULATION TRAINING IN THE FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE DENTISTS. Nauki Społeczno-Humanistyczne. Social and Human Sciences. Polish-Ukrainian scientific journal (https://issn2391-4165.webnode.com.ua/), 02 (38).


Rogozin,  Volodymyr (2021). PROSPECTS FOR VEHICLES SIMULATION TRAINING IN THE FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE DENTISTS. Nauki Społeczno-Humanistyczne. Social and Human Sciences. Polish-Ukrainian scientific journal (https://issn2391-4165.webnode.com.ua/), 02 (30). - Available at: https://issn2391-4164.blogspot.com/p/222.html (accessed 30 March 2021).


UDC 37: 388: 89/78; 56

Rogozin,  Volodymyr, Kyiv Medical University, teacher (Ukraine, Kyiv), v.rogozin@kmu.edu.ua


The article highlights the prospects for the use of simulation training in the process of forming the professional competence of future dentists. It is established that in the modern labor market, including the domestic one, a young specialist, in particular a dentist, finds himself in unequal conditions with experienced specialists, as he lacks professional experience and low level of readiness for real conditions of practical activity. This is the situation determine the application of pedagogical technologies, methods and teaching aids in the process of professional training of future dentists, which would bring the educational process as close as possible to the real conditions of practical activity.  Professional training of future dentists is based on the formation of the ability to solve complex problems and problems in the field of health care in the specialty "Dentistry" in professional activities or in the learning process, provides research and / or innovation, characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements.

Organizational and methodological aspects of the use of simulation technologies in the process of forming the professional competence of future dentists are determined by the features and potential of higher medical education. The analysis of modern technical capabilities of mankind made it possible to establish that the realism of simulation equipment ( fidelity ), which should be used in the training of students of GHME (general higher medical education), should be provided at seven levels. The study of the current state of implementation of simulation training technologies, the essence and specifics of organizational and methodological aspects of the use of simulation technologies in the process of forming the professional competence of future dentists in GHME allowed to identify problems, that need to be addressed for the successful and effective in the proceedings of these innovations in the system of higher medical education: creation of the concept of simulation training in the system of medical education in Ukraine; creation of normative and regulatory base of simulation training; development and implementation of educational-methodical and software-instrumental support of simulation training in GHME; training of pedagogical staff for the organization of simulation training; financial support of the training simulation system; conducting research projects to study the effectiveness of such training in the system of higher medical education .

Key words: simulation training, dentists, students, institutions of higher medical education , phantoms.



Рогозін, Володимир, Київський медичний університет, викладач (Україна, Київ), v.rogozin@kmu.edu.ua


У статті висвітленні перспективи використання засобів симуляційного навчання у процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх майбутніх лікарів-стоматологів. Встановлено, на сучасному ринку праці, у тому числі вітчизняному, молодий фахівець, зокрема лікар-стоматолог, опиняється в нерівних умовах з досвідченими фахівцями, оскільки відчуває брак професійного досвіду та низький рівень готовності до реальних умов практичної діяльності. Така ситуація обумовлює застосування у процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх стоматологів педагогічних технологій, методів і засобів навчання, які б максимально наблизили освітній процес до реальних умов практичної діяльності. Професійна підготовка майбутнього лікаря-стоматолога базується на формуванні здатності розв’язувати складні задачі та проблеми в галузі охорони здоров’я за спеціальністю «Стоматологія» у професійній діяльності або у процесі навчання, передбачає проведення досліджень та/або здійснення інновацій, характеризується невизначеністю умов і вимог. Організаційно-методичні аспекти використання симуляційних технологій у процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх лікарів-стоматологів детерміновані особливостями та потенціалом закладів вищої медичної освіти. Аналіз сучасних технічних можливостей  людства дав змогу встановити, що реалістичність симуляційного обладнання (fidelity), яке доцільно використовувати в процесі професійної підготовки студентів ЗВМО, повинна забезпечуватися на семи рівнях. вивчення сучасного стану впровадження технологій симуляційного навчання сутності та специфіки організаційно-методичних аспектів використання симуляційних технологій у процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх лікарів-стоматологів у ЗВМО дало змогу визначити проблеми, які необхідно вирішити для успішного і ефективного впровадження згаданих інновацій в систему вищої медичної освіти: створення концепції симуляційного навчання в системі медичної освіти в Україні; створення нормативної і регламентуючої бази симуляційного навчання; розробка та впровадження навчально-методичного та програмно-інструментального забезпечення симуляційного освітнього процесу в ЗВМО; підготовка педагогічних кадрів для організації симуляційного навчання; фінансове забезпечення системи симуляції навчання; проведення науково-дослідних проектів з вивчення ефективності імітаційного навчання в системі вищої медичної освіту.

Ключові слова: симуляційне навчання, лікарі-стоматологи, студенти, заклади вищої медичної, фантоми.


Among the priority areas of modernization of the world and domestic system of professional medical education is the improvement of theoretical and practical training of future dentists. Modern society has a fundamental educational need for the formation of a fully developed personality, with high intellectual and creative potential and global thinking. With the adoption of the concept of building a new health care system of Ukraine [ 5 ] , the Law of Ukraine "On Education" [ 8 ] , the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine "On Approval of the features level education medical direction" [ 7 ] , the introduction of industry standards in higher education and the national qualifications framework is an integral indicator of the quality of higher medical education in the context of its modernization is the professional competence of future doctors, including dentists, which is determined not only by narrowly specialized knowledge for direct entry into the labor market, but also general theoretical, methodologically important, long-term, invariant knowledge, that contribute to the holistic perception of the scientific picture of the world, the development of intelligence, creative self-realization and adaptation to changing living conditions and professional activities.

In today's labor market, including the domestic one, a young specialist, in particular a dentist, finds himself in unequal conditions with experienced professionals, as he lacks professional experience and a low level of readiness for real practical conditions. This situation determines the use of pedagogical technologies, methods and teaching aids in the process of professional training of future dentists, which would bring the educational process as close as possible to the real conditions of practical activity.

After training future dentist based on forming ability of solutions to bind challenges and problems in health, specialty "Dentistry" in professional activities or in the learning process involves research and / or implementation of innovation characterized by uncertainty conditions and requirements. This requires the dentist not only to master high-quality modern knowledge combined with manual skills, but also to develop moral and volitional sphere, creative potential, ability to motivate actions and adequate self-assessment of decisions.

Active use of training of professional competencies in the field of training of future dentists became possible with the emergence of special tools and training devices - simulators, phantoms and more. This circumstance is due to the fact that during the training of students on patients "at the patient's dental chair" the priority is the patient (sick person), and not the task of "teaching a dental student practical skills." This has become especially relevant with the increase in the number of lawsuits against dentists for poor quality medical care.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the prospects for the use of simulation training in the process of forming the professional competence of future dentists. Note that the last decade has been characterized by the rapid introduction of a large number of virtual simulation technologies in various areas of human activity. The experience of using business games and cases in the professional training of medical specialists of various profiles is generalized by S. Nikonenko [1], V. Artyomenko [3] and others; situational modeling as a pedagogical category was in the center of attention of M. Demyanchuk [2], V. Lisovy [4], K. Muravyov [6], S. Semchenko [9] and others. Summarizing the work of researchers shows that modeling a variety of scenarios by placing students in realistic situations with immediate feedback on their decisions and actions, improves the acquisition of the necessary skills. 

The priority direction of development of higher medical education in modern conditions, which determines the need to have basic practical competencies at the time of graduation, is to strengthen the aspect of mastering the manual skills of future doctors against the appropriate level of theoretical knowledge [10, p. 45]. Widely used in developed countries medical education simulation training methods allowed to put practical skills of medical workers to a new level without endangering the life and health of patients [11, p. 189]. Simulation training as required  compulsory component of training allows each student to perform professional activities in accordance with professional standards of care [ 12 , p. 6-7]. This trend is no exception in the process of training dentists [13, p. 52].

The system of national health care also widely introduced various models, simulators, virtual simulators and other technical facilities, which allow of varying degrees of reliability model processes, situations and other aspects of professional work of medical workers. However, if the individual simulators for testing the simplest practical skills in some schools have long been used, the introduction of sophisticated simulation and virtual management of their use in education appeared only in the last decade.

Determinants of such trends are some changes in the provision of medical care. The problem of medical errors and the need to improve patient safety has been focused around the world. Obtaining the patient's consent to participate in the provision of medical care by students and trainees for professional skills is becoming increasingly difficult, especially given the introduction of insurance medicine. Therefore, it is necessary to create other ways to transfer medical experience and skills. It is clear that the training of a qualified dentist is not possible without contact and communication with real patients, but increasingly the safety of the patient and his well-being are a fundamental ethical issue.

When studying "at the patient's bedside", the priority is still the treatment of the patient, not the training of the student. In 2009, according to V. Artyomenko [ 3 ] the World alliance for patient safety, with the support of WHO, published a "Guide to Patient Safety for Medical Colleges", which states that medical education institutions must create a safe and secure educational environment for training of clinical skills [3, p. 73]. One of the means to achieve this goal is the use of simulation technologies [2, p. 82]. Thus, V. Artyomenko describes the simulation as "educational methodology that provides an interactive activity of students" [3, p. 71], immersion in a professionally oriented environment "by reproducing the real clinical picture in whole or in part without the associated risk to the patient" [3, p. 72].     

Thus, simulation is an imitation, modeling, realistic reproduction of the process. A simulation in medical education - an advanced technology training and assessment of practical skills, abilities and knowledge based on realistic modeling, simulating the clinical situation or a single physiological system to create which can be used by biological, mechanical, electronic and virtual (computer ) models.

Speaking further, we note that one of the important stages in the implementation of simulation training in the formation of professional competencies of future dentists is debriefing . Debriefing - is an analysis, analysis of the "pros" and "cons" of students actions (implemented by them during the simulation exercises), discussion of their experience.

This type of activity activates the reflective thinking of dental students and provides feedback to assess the quality of simulation tasks and consolidate the acquired skills. According to the results of modern qualimetric research in the pedagogy of medical education, students have a limited idea of ​​what happens to them when they are involved in the process of simulating experience. Being in the center of events, they see only what can be seen from the point of view of the active participant [9]. Therefore, it is through debriefing that the simulation experience is transformed into a conscious practice, which will ultimately help future dentists to prepare both emotionally and physically for future professional activities.

Organizational and methodological aspects of the use of simulation technologies in the process of forming the professional competence of future dentists are determined by the features and potential of higher medical education. Analysis of modern technical capabilities of mankind allows us to establish that the realism of simulation equipment ( fidelity ), which should be used in the training of students GHME, should be provided at seven levels. According to the mentioned levels of realism it seems expedient to classify all simulators:

1.                  Visual - when applicable means of traditional technologies training - circuits, printed posters, models anatomical structure of the human body. It also includes simple e-books and computer programs. The basis of any practical experience is visual simulation training, during which the correct sequence of actions is practiced when performing medical manipulations. The disadvantage lies in the lack of practical training of those, who are studying .

2.                 Tactile - when the passive reaction of the phantom is reproduced. In this case, manual skills, coordinated movements of future dentists and their sequence are practiced. Thanks to realistic phantoms it is possible to bring to automation separate manipulations, to get technical skills of their performance.

3.                 Reactive - reproduces the simplest active phantom reactions to student actions. The assessment of the accuracy of the actions of future dentists is carried out only at the basic level. Such mannequins and simulators are made of plastic and supplemented by electronic controllers.

4.                 Automated simulators reproduce the reactions of the mannequin to external influences. Such simulators use computer technology based on scripts, when the phantom "gives" a specific answer to certain actions of future dentists. In this case, students' cognitive skills and sensory motility are practiced.

5.      Hardware - simulates the situation of the medical office, operating room. Interactive simulators provide modeling of complex interaction of the dummy-simulator with medical equipment and the student. This refers to the automatic change of the physiological state of the artificial patient, an adequate response to the introduction of drugs, to the wrong actions of students and so on. At this level, you can directly assess the qualifications of the trainee. Integrated - reflect the interaction of simulators and medical devices. 

For the effective application of simulation training technologies in the process of training future dentists in GHME  it is necessary to adhere to a number of basic methodological , organizational and methodological principles:

1. Integration of simulation training methods into the current system of higher professional medical education .

2. The presence of the legal framework in which contains the provision on access to work ( teaching )of patients, but also for duty  compulsory competencies of professions ,which require primary organization of simulation training . 

3. Intensive organization of the educational process , modular construction of the simulation training program and opportunities for simultaneous training of different categories of medical staff (by specialty ).

4. The only system of evaluation of the results of simulation studies (for all organizers of the educational process, which uses methods of simulation training ).

5. The presence of a system of staff training (teachers , instructors) to implement methods of simulation training [9].

The modern development of medical science and practice necessitates adjustments in the training of future dentists in GHME with the approach of their education to international standards. That is why the quality of education in GHME needs to be improved by effective organization and informatization of the educational process, through the introduction of simulation technologies in teaching practice.

At the same time, the study of the current state of implementation of simulation training technologies and the specifics of organizational and methodological aspects of the use of simulation technologies in the formation of professional competence of future dentists in GHME allowed to identify problems to be successfully and effectively implementation of these innovations in the system of higher medical education:

• creation of the concept of simulation training in the system of medical education in Ukraine;
• creation of normative and regulatory base of simulation training;

• development and implementation of educational-methodical and software-instrumental support of the simulation educational process in GHME;

  training of teachers for the organization of simulation training;

 financial support of the training simulation system;

 conducting research projects to study the effectiveness of simulation training in the system of higher medical education.

We see further scientific research in the theoretical substantiation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of future dentists by means of simulation training.



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